1. make VG be activated by serviceguard
edit /etc/lvmrc -> AUTO_VG_ACTIVATE=0
2. node list file
on primary node -> cd /etc/cmcluster
vi cmclnodelist
chmod 444 cmclnodelist
3. node list transfer
transfer /etc/cmcluster/cmclnodelist to all other nodes
4. generate ascii config file
cmquerycl -v (-q quorum_server) -C cmclconfig.ascii -n -n
5. modification of ascii config file
vi cmclconfig.ascii - CLUSTER_NAME
- QS_HOST (if quorum_server is set)
- QS_POLLING_INTERVAL -> 120000000 microsec (120 sec)
- HEARBEAT_INTERVAL -> 3000000 (3 sec)
- NODE_TIMEOUT -> 6000000 microsec (6 sec)
- AUTO_START_TIMEOUT -> 800000000 (800 sec)
6. checking of config file
cmcheckconf -v -C cmclconfig.ascii
7. make binary config file
cmapplyconf -v -C cmclconfig.ascii
8. run cluster
cmruncl -v
9. view cluster state
cmviewcl -v
10. stop cluster
cmhaltcl -v
run one node of cluster
cmruncl -v -n
to rejoin another node to cluster
cmrunnode -v
to halt another node of cluster
cmhaltnode -v
ReplyDeleteThanks i like your blog very much , i come back most days to find new posts like this!Good effort.I learnt it
123 HP