Category:Dynamic Root Disk

Dynamic Root Disk is used to perform software maintenance and recovery on an HP-UX Operating Environment with minimum system downtime. Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) provides customers the ability to clone an HP-UX system image to an inactive disk. Also:
  1. It performs system maintenance on the clone while the HP-UX 11i system is online
  2. It reboots quickly during off-hours after the desired changes have been made, significantly reducing system downtime
  3. It utilizes the clone for system recovery, if needed
  4. It rehosts the clone in another system for testing or provisioning purposes in the following devices:
    ♦ Integrity Virtual Machines (Integrity VMs) running either HP-UX 11i v3 LVM or HP-UX 11i v2 LVM
    ♦ Integrity server blades running HP-UX 11i v3 LVM
  5. It performs an OE Update on the clone from an older version of HP-UX 11i v3 to HP-UX 11i v3 update 4 or later
Another typical use is to migrate the bootable drive to a larger hard drive(s) avoiding LVM Physical Volume restrictions.
Using DRD commands, you can apply patches and make other modifications to the cloned system image without affecting the active system image.
Hewlett-Packard developed DRD to minimize the usual maintenance window during which you shut down the system to install patches. With DRD the system keeps running while you clone the system image and apply patches to the cloned image. DRD tools can manage the two system images simultaneously. DRD also provides a fail safe mechanism for returning the system to its original state, if necessary.


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